I'd like to drop a line or two about the fresh page / blank sheet approach. This post is less about interactive marketing and more about how we work, which explains that I am doing less reading and more working...which is a contradiction because I strongly believe that the more you work, the more you should read and stay in touch.
A fresh page is a clean start, a beginning. A fresh page does not mean forgetting about the mistakes and successes of past projects but implies entering the room or kick starting a project objectively and openly. A fresh blank sheet implies not being biased from the start, it highlights the need to listen carefully, look at the issue from all possible unexplored perspectives and then if necessary go back to the baggage you carry around with you from past projects you've been involved in.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Blank sheet approach - adds freshness
Labels: how we work 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Text by DESA
I have recently been involved in a project by the English students association DESA. The above is the end result of their hard work and enthusiasm. There is no financial business model in the project but a freshness of colour, discovery and literature. To get to know more about DESA visit their online space at http://soc.um.edu.mt/desa-soc/latest.html
Labels: Interactive 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
Social brands and latest news
I admire brands which regularly update their followers/consumers about what they're up to. Some of these brands regularly send e-newsletters which are less of a promotional message and more of an informative one. Often, they even add tips which are in-line or adjacent to their area of expertise.
There other brands though, brands that BLAB in bursts, surprise their followers and then go to sleep for some weeks or months. Then they burst again when research highlights they have been losing appeal or trust. These brands under-estimate the value of news! Their news section is often hidden somewhere in their website. Their latest news section is often not up to date with the latest news and their news is no news but a promotional BLAB. In contrast, social brands interact socially. Social brands update their twitter status and tell us what's on their mind. Social brands allow us to connect and follow. Social brands enable us to speak about them in the online world because they are online.
I am a social being and it is easier for me to engage with a social side of a big commercial brand.
Labels: brand, Interactive, Marketing 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Blogger
A worthy blab for Blogger which turns 10 next Sunday and hosts this blog amongst many. A good review about Blogger's roots and history at TechCrunch: http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/08/17/before-there-was-twitter-there-was-blogger-and-its-turning-10/
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Freshness Index
Image Source: toxel.com
I'd like to dedicate this 2 minute blab on my/your/our 'freshness index':
How fresh am I in the ideas I propose and the solutions I come up with? How open am I to alternative perspectives to one particular problem? How often do I reject the first idea? How often do I read loads of different stuff which exposes me to areas other then my everyday interests? - That's how fresh I am/you/we are!
Now I believe the above makes an individual fresh in his/her approach to life and therefore work. Now trow in the same room, office or house a bunch of such 'fresh' individuals and watch the freshness multiply and grow exponentially!
Now imagine the opposite happening in a mainstream office (of which we have many)...and cry!
Freshness brings freshness, and that it should be on our priority list at any level in any big, small or medium organization.
Labels: how we work 0 comments