Wednesday, January 09, 2008

'It starts with screams but must never end in silence'

You may have seen this face on one of the bus-stops locally and kept on driving. Now you can simply move to the campaign's dedicated website, learn more and blab about it as we're doing.

From the website: Statistics show that 12 % to 15 % of women in Europe face violence in the home every day.
The Council of Europe (COE) – Europe’s leading human rights organisation - has decided it is time it stopped. It has launched a campaign in its member countries to criminalise domestic violence, ensure support for victims and foster new attitudes so that violence against women in the home will no longer be tolerated. Everyone has a role to play. This site shows what is being done and where to combat violence against women - You are also concerned.

Related links:
Photo Exhibition
Media - TV SPOT; - Video on Demand


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