Friday, October 16, 2009

1 year on, thanks to Blackberry, there is a 25th hr.

Vodafone is celebrating the first anniversary of the BlackBerry® Solution in Malta. We had reviewed the launch of the solution back in October of 2008.

Since 2008, we have seen a number of Blackberry devices running around on desks, in meetings and offices. Since launching in 2008, Vodafone introduced the Pearl and Curve models followed by the Bold. Over the months, Malta has seen several new Curve models and the iconic popular Storm, which was Blackberry's move in the touch-screen market.

I am a biased ambassador of Blackberry, however, you may do the math yourself, benefit from celebration goodies and ask the many Blackberry users about what it actually means to own a Blackberry. Some say that with Blackberry there is a 25th hr!

So happy birthday Blackberry in Malta.

more info:


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