Tuesday, February 16, 2010

this blog is moving to wordpress

Just in case you do read the blog from RSS or Google reader take note it's moving / has moved to wordpress. The full blog address is http://blabinteractive.wordpress.com, however you can always subscribe to the masked address: blabinteractive.com

No offence to blogger. It is a simple service which works. However, some of the additional features of wordpress do make your blogging part-time hobby easier to handle.

Thanks for following.


Unknown | 2/23/2010 11:52 AM  

See you on the other side :)

Tu comentario será moderado la primera vez que lo hagas al igual que si incluyes enlaces. A partir de ahi no ser necesario si usas los mismos datos y mantienes la cordura. No se publicarán insultos, difamaciones o faltas de respeto hacia los lectores y comentaristas de este blog.