Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BLAB is one year old!

A year ago we sat down to discuss BLABinteractive.com. The original plan was much more ambitious yet some surprises were still in store for this humble blog. I am currently working on Recap 365!. The idea behind the project is a resume of BLAB's first year. Apart from including the main highlights of this past year, I also hope to be able to provide some info. about BLAB's future content and initiatives. Whilst reminding all of you about BLAB's first birthday, I don't want to rush the Recap just for its birthday date.

Over the coming week I also hope to be able to highlight BLAB's top 12 contributions (1 for each month of the year), BLAB's most popular article, the most visited day (I am almost sure it was May 11th!) and more. In the meantime, an informal thanks for reading / contributing to BLAB through blogger, facebook, BLAB's network on Ning and anywhere else!


Tu comentario será moderado la primera vez que lo hagas al igual que si incluyes enlaces. A partir de ahi no ser necesario si usas los mismos datos y mantienes la cordura. No se publicarán insultos, difamaciones o faltas de respeto hacia los lectores y comentaristas de este blog.