Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The 1 week brand free challenge

If you have a problem with shopping, you’re obsessed by brands, or you just want to make life cheaper and easier, try following these tips for a less branded lifestyle.

1. Avoid advertising
2. Separate wants from needs
3. Shop around
... and the list goes on.

A friend of mine told me about this site today and whilst I am on the verge of committing myself to blog about ads., ads. and more ads. 'The One Week Brand Free Challenge' is not actually what I was planning to blog about! The Brand Aid site tries to helps anyone who is brand addict to get over it.

In truth brand addictions do exist and from a marketing perspective these addictions are referred to as 'Loyalty', the peak of the customer lifecycle. Just as I am writing this Apple comes in mind. And so below I am posting evidence of brand addictions:

Is it loyalty or addiction? Without giving it much thought I would say that it depends on the product or service. Loyal as I can be I would never queue at the local Apple vendor in the early hours of the day just to be an early bird for the latest Apple product. Then again, it is thanks to these early birds and brand addicts that trends are set and products are turned into the latest fad. And so it comes as no surprise that Steve Jobs refunded back the $100 dollars to each iphone buyer following the latest iPhone price slash.


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