Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Life thru a lens...

Even though I think that is one of Robbie Williams' best albums ever [do Angels and Let Me Entertain You ring a bell?], what I will be doing now is blab! on a different kind of lens...

As Karl mentioned in the previous post, Seth Godin has delighted 'us' with a short but very good e-book on how to get your page frequently clicked. I read the e-book and found it quite entertaining and on top of it all: informative. However, there is one particular thing that struck me most, and that is the concept of: lenses!

Lenses - it's all about what we see. Yes.. that is all! Godin describes lenses as being the means through which we can express ourselves and our opinions while diffusing them with the rest of the world. Hence, a lens could be a blog, a site, a comment left on youtube, a page... anything that delivers your views.

Now that was the nice part... Opinions do matter; however they're not everything. YOU, as a viewer, have lots of power. A lens depends on people for it to persist and keep being available. Conversely, the author or creator, so to speak, has to be dynamic enough to come up with new stuff every so often or else his/her page will stagnate... AND that is when you can say goodbye to clicks [and counting].

Ironically enough, this argument provides me with another reason for me to continue BLABbing [allow me this one Karl :P]:

Reason #5: Risk-Taking
I consider myself an adventurer [not when it comes to caving in Gibraltar though..] and consequently love taking risks. This blog is the fruit of two risk-takers. No one could predict where this will take us and yet we achieved quite a lot. Thus, we can go on to -

Reason #6: Striving to be the best
[OK Karl.. allow me two please..] In order to be viewed you have to be the best... or let's say one of the best. In a world where people are spoilt for choice you have to be THEIR choice. BLABbing allows us to explore this and work round it. Stagnation is a big NO-NO!

Hope my lens was interesting enough for it to generate clicks :P


Tu comentario será moderado la primera vez que lo hagas al igual que si incluyes enlaces. A partir de ahi no ser necesario si usas los mismos datos y mantienes la cordura. No se publicarán insultos, difamaciones o faltas de respeto hacia los lectores y comentaristas de este blog.